The voting for the open steering committee positions is currently underway! Attached below are the letters of intent from candidates who are running for the South Chair and the North Vice Chair.

North Vice Chair Candidate(s): Savanah Miller
South Chair Candidate(s): Sindy Chown, Christa DeMichelis, Magna Krieger, and Yosita Thanjai.

We are looking for Steering Committee Members who are passionate about advancing the CHW workforce in our state. Ideal candidates are active CHWs engaged in their communities, as well as active participants within our coalition. 

Please take some time to review the letters of intent and learn more about each candidate. Then go to the Survey Monkey Link to vote for each open steering committee position. 

You are only allowed one vote, so please carefully review each candidate’s letter before voting. Voting will be open through Thursday, December 20th at 3pm. Election results will be announced to the full coalition membership on Friday, December 21st. 

Thank you for taking the time to read the letter of intents and casting your vote. Good luck to all of the candidates who are running during this term!

**If you are a NH CHW Coalition Member, and did not receive the email with the links to the letters of intent and voting, please email Maddie at Voting is intended for NH CHW Coalition Members ONLY!***