The elections for new Steering Committee members are officially open! As with past years, the elections process will follow a 28-day cycle, broken into two components: the submission of letters of intent and the voting period. You can find all of the details for the full elections process in the links below, but please note that the current Steering Committee has made a change that will impact elections moving forward.

As we enter the election cycle for the 2024-2025 Steering Committee term, the current Steering Committee has many discussions on how to best ensure the continuity of institutional knowledge and create a better supported transition process for oncoming members. The Steering Committee has provided the recommendation to alternate and stagger the election cycles for the positions.

The recommended election schedule will be as follows:

Cycle 1: South Chair & North Vice Chair

Cycle 2: North Chair & South Vice Chair & Secretary

With this change, the positions open for elections this year (January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2025) would be Cycle 1: South Chair & North Vice Chair.

If you are interested, and would like to talk to the current Steering Committee Members about the vacant roles, please see contacts below:

  • Amber Culver –
  • Carolyn Schofield –
  • Nancy Collins –
  • Rebecca Hill-Larsen –