As a Community Health Worker and the CHW Training Coordinator at the North Country Health Consortium, Carolyn has navigated both figurative and literal trails to connecting communities and expanding healthcare access. During her time on the NH CHW Coalition Steering Committee from 2019-2023, as Northern Vice Chair, Carolyn co-chaired the certification subcommittee, leading research into processes nationwide to chart certification proposals for NH.
Guiding the coalition through the pandemic’s uncertainty, Carolyn helped shift training events online and reconnect CHWs separated by distance but united in purpose. She is proud of the support the coalition offered those serving communities amidst rapid change.
We thank Carolyn for her dedication, hard work and leadership while serving on the steering committee these past years. Although her committee service has ended, we look forward to her continued involvement within the coalition.
Carolyn has also discovered a passion for long-distance hiking. She has thru-hiked New Hampshire’s Greenway and Cohos Trail, traversing 170+ miles. Her plans for 2024 is to hike Vermont’s Long Trail and the 100 Mile Wilderness Trail in Maine. Like the trails she hikes, Carolyn forges new paths in public health, mile by mile!